
Korea vs. Greece from Downtown Seoul

If you watch one video on this site ever, watch this one [especially if you are a soccer/football fan]:


Spring Was In The Air

As the title alludes to, it has been getting hot in Seoul recently. Also, I have been slightly [majorly] neglecting this during the Spring. My reason is that my camera broke back in April, thus there were no videos and thus there was nothing to write about!

Half out of curiosity to see how my new camera would work and half to show people back home a few random tidbits about Korea, I took two videos today after work: (((**The videos are a little wobbly, I apologize**)))

I.) The first is a typical subway experience:

II.) The second is me walking down the sidewalk, heading towards and through the special rock-climbing gear district in the Dongdaemun Market. Korea is amazing for their departmentalized areas; I have walked by different streets/areas where all the stores were focused on one thing....lights, porcelain bathroom items, rock-climbing gear, etc etc:

Off topic.

I arrived in Korea on Saturday, July 18th 2009...it is now June 8th, 2010. I only have about 6 more weeks of teaching left. I can't believe it....but what this all means is that I will have an opportunity to do some traveling around Asia before coming home. As of now, there are definite plans to be in Southeast Asia for a few weeks (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand) and there is a chance I may even catch a flight to Bali for a few days. We will see...when I have a set itinerary, I will make sure to write it here.

That is about all for now. I hope you are having a good day, wherever you are.
