
Back to Reality

The last post was chalk full of confidence...this one is more mellow.

We are two weeks into my solo-teaching adventures. Things are going pretty well. I know I have a lot to learn about teaching methods and tactics, but I think I am heading in a good direction. The kids are so enjoyable. I am way more attached to kindergarten, but the elementary students are equally as fun. I just do not have a lot of time with them.

One teacher, Krysta Teacher, left today...she was really nice and will definitely be missed at S.E.A. I am sure her replacement, Julia Teacher, will be just as good. What struck me, though, is how fleeting it all is. Literally, one moment she is there with kindergarten--who are all crying because she is leaving--and the next moment the ball is rolling again. It is obvious we are making a difference with these kids--some more than others--but at the same time I can see how teaching is a 'thank-less' job. When it is over, it is over. Especially here by returning to the U.S.A. Will we ever see this kids again?

Tangent: One thing that disappoints me is that I have not been able to go 'social dancing' or hiking yet. Those are two things that are very high on my priority list. There is a small chance that I could cross both of these things off my list tomorrow...but that depends on how tonight goes. I was going to do this midnight hike (through the night..to watch the sunrise), but I am not feeling currently confident enough to go by myself--not knowing anybody. Just writing about it now makes me mad that I am 'giving up on it.' Wow, when something bothers me, it is so hard for me to get over it. It is hard for me to get over anything I perceive as 'giving up.'

On the bright side, not doing this midnight hike will motivate me to do other things that I may have let fall by the wayside. Tomorrow, I will ideally either go 'social dancing' at night or hiking during the day. Perhaps both!

Finally, it was four weeks ago that I left for Korea. Four weeks. What? Seriously? I cannot believe it. This is going to go so fast.

Alan =)

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