
My (New) Apartment

So, long story short, I had to move apartments to accommodate a couple that my school hired. The couple is not getting here until later December, but once I knew I had to move...I wanted to move ASAP. Also, they told me that I had to move on my birthday. Thanks, school.

One and a half months later, I finally moved. I tried to find my own apartment, in some misguided sense of spite towards the school, but in the end, I moved to their last open apartment.

Overall, I really do like this apartment. I am spoiled with my appliances and the setup is pretty fantastic. The space is used perfectly for me, and this brings me joy like you would not believe. Check out the video below, it is long--I warn you. PLEASE PLEASE comment if you watch the video. Thanks.



Anonymous said...

Nice video! Too bad we won't be able to have LOST parties... :-(

Melissa said...

Nice apartment! I'm glad you got to make it your own :)